How to Join Friends e-mail list
Last Updated:
September 20, 2007
This page has moved to
The purpose of friends is to offer support within the raw food eating community. A place to meet other raw fooders to share love, information, stories, questions, wisdom, health and compassion.
- To post to the list, send mail to see
- newcomers are all asked to initially post an introduction or bio to the
- the requirement for membership is an openness to a raw food diet
- The list numbers approximately 32 members
- The list officially moved in February 1999 to the rawtimes site. and was called rawlife. On Labor Day, when it reopened, it changed names again to friends.
- Newcomers introduce themselves when they join.
Please put intro
or bio in the subject.
If you put thought and substance into the post, it
will also be posted on the rawtimes community page, (unless you say otherwise.)
this page may be updated as often as you like.
Questions to consider would
- why did you decide to eat differently
- how long have you been eating this way
- do you feel differently
- how do you eat and live now
- what are your plans for the future
- what message would you like others to see
- how can other people help you
- The rawtimes web site started in 1995 as a page on a server at NIH. In
1996, was born. Rawtimes was the very first website for raw food
eaters. The first email list, veg-raw was started by Elly Gittens around the
same time. In 1997, Peter Brandt became the leader of veg-raw and changed
the name to raw-food. Shortly thereafter, many of the subscribers switched
to the new raw list at The list resources were hosted
by Ward, James Ward; and owned by JR Ellis. In February 1999,
became the host of the list, presently named friends. The list has had around
200 members for the last two years. Now there are many lists for raw food
eaters. Many of them are listed on the rawtimes email
page. Some lists are very active, with 10, 20, 50 or over a 100 posts
a day. The goal of friends is to be an email list that will continue to serve
raw food community interests for many years to come.
- 10 years ago, it seemed difficult to find other raw fooders. There weren't
many support groups, functions, restaurants, conventions, and not even that
many books. All that has changed, and it seems that the raw food movement
and community are growing faster and faster. It would be nice if the friends
list was able to keep pace. It is unreasonable to assume that one list could
satisfy all the people. Of course it would be foolish to try. The purpose
of friends is to offer a haven for community spirit and support to its members;
and at the same time, realize that the newcomer is the most important person
in the group. The newcomer gives us a chance to work together to show health,
strength and love. The newcomer is open minded enough to join the list, but
maybe not convinced that it is the correct path. By showing generosity, cooperation,
strength, recovery, and love; we may really be able to help others.
- Cyberspace offers many venues for communities. Protocols include web pages,
ftp sites, email lists, news groups, chat rooms and many many others. Raw
Food Eaters have sponsored resources on all of these. A newsgroup can handle
hundreds of posts a day. Thousands of people can visit a newsgroup every day.
The same with bulletin boards on web pages. On the other hand, chat rooms
can have up to a hundred or more people on line at a time. People may each
enter a hundred short comments in a session. The email list has limitations
of its own. While the friends list may have 10-20 posts a day, there are times
when it has had 70 posts a day.
- The list does have internet problems once in a while and does go down. If
you have not been receiving posts for a couple of days, please check the web
page at
to see if the web site is down, or there is any information about list problems.
Otherwise you can assume you have been unsubcribed for mail errors. Many people
switch accounts without unsubscribing. Error messages to the list usually
reflect this. However, often there are simply problems. Please resubscribe
if you think that you were unsubscribed in error. If you are already subscribed,
and you try to resubscribe, it is not a problem. When in doubt try resubscribing
first. If you receive a welcome message, then you are fine.
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