Rawtimes Contact Page
Welcome to the Rawtimes Contact Page. You may contact Rawtimes by sending email, signing the guestbook, joining rawlife, or renting a guessor. Or return to Rawtimes Home Page.
Here is a brief descriptions of the options:
email - the email address changes often. when i change the email address, the old one will still be active also for another week. you may have to come to this page to get the new email address again.
guestbook - the guestbook is public and viewing is available to everyone. the email addresses of the signers are now hidden, and are no longer available to the public. if you want to respond to a guestbook entry, you may sign the guestbook, or use the temporary private email address above to ask me to forward your email to the signer. you may read the guestbook or sign the guestbook
rawlife - this is an interactive email list, only members can send and receive email to the list. you must send in a bio or introduction to join the list. you may read about the list or just join the list
guessor - schedule a telephone appointment with one of our guessors, and speak to a real person of your choice. 20 minutes for $19.00
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