
Last Updated:15 June 1999
Created on Thu, 09 Apr 1998

I try to listen to what my body is wanting, and then give it exactly what it wants. exercise, food, massage, wheatgrass and etc.

Here's my testamonial, perhaps this will explain things a bit more

A Journey of Living Foods and Radiant Health by Rose Lee Calabro

Almost 6 years ago, I began a journey that would take me to places and achievements I never thought possible. It all started on July 1, 1992 when I went to see a nutritionist to help lower my cholesterol (which was 239) and blood pressure (154/95) and a severe case of gout, which caused excruciating pain in my hips and feet because of the formation of uric acid crystals. My inspiration came from the passing of my Mother due to heart failure at age 69 and the death of my Father at 59 due to lung cancer. My Mother had high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes and gout.

I began seeing a nutritionist every week to learn about vitamins, minerals, healthy food and the role they play in better health. I began eating a low fat diet and eliminated red meat entirely from my diet. The first most noticeable thing was I began to lose weight, although that was not my original intention. As the weight came off, I began to feel better about myself and eventually made the commitment to lose all my excess weight. I made two promises to myself: 1.) I would never give up and, 2.) I would never regain the weight again. I have been overweight my entire life and I didn't want to suffer the agony and low self esteem when I would regain the weight.

So I began a journey that would take me four years to find my answer. How to eat and not gain weight? I first read all of Covert Bailey's books and attended one of his seminars in Sacramento. Covert Bailey and Rhonda Gates were a big inspiration in my life and furthered my knowledge on weight loss, exercise and nutrition. The first year I lost 60 pounds, my blood pressure dropped to normal and my cholesterol dropped from 239 to 219. I struggled for the next couple of years gaining 20 pounds and losing 20 pounds. However, I never gave up and continued my search for answers. In November 1994, I met Neal Barnard and read his book and began thinking about becoming a vegetarian.

In February, 1995, I attended a seminar with John and Mary Mc Dougall. As a result of the seminar and influence from a dear friend Janis Weiss, I became a Vegan. My health improved and cholesterol dropped to 198. In February, 1996, I became very sick and tired and was diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue. My job was extremely stressful and I realized my marriage was not bringing me the happiness and joy it once did. I became so sick it was a chore just getting out of a chair at work and difficult to concentrate on my work. My doctor put me on disability and I went home to heal. I began reading every book I could find on candida (I had a very high level which contributed to Chronic Fatigue). As a result of my reading, I discovered the benefits of colonics and talked to my alternative medical doctor. We both agreed to pursue the treatment and he recommended a Colon Hydrotherapist (Gayle Marie Bradshaw). I had a total of 12 colonics and with each colonic, I discovered new things about myself and who I was. Also, I uncovered past experiences in my childhood that had caused me to overeat. With each colonic old feces, toxins and candida came out, and I started to feel better.

In April, 1996, Gayle told me about Pam Masters, who was going to give a Living Food Class in Gayle's home. I attended Pam's introductory class and then signed up for an eight weeks course. Within three weeks my diet consisted of 80% raw living foods and the weight began to melt off my body. I was losing 3, 4 and 5 pounds a week. I had finally found my answer to controlling my weight. The longer I ate living food, the better I felt. I began to change mind, body and soul. Also, I learned about fasting, and how it well help to heal the body. I did five fast within a year and a half.. Wheatgrass is another staple of my diet and a great tool for healing the body. Living food has given me happiness, joy, a new life, and a new purpose for being on the planet. I have experienced a Spiritual Awakening and a closeness to God. After six months of living food my Chronic Fatigue was gone and I lost an additional 55 pounds for a total of 135 pounds.

I have been on Living Food since April 1996, and my life has gone through some dramatic changes. My cholesterol has dropped to 151, I no longer have chronic fatique, allergies, joint pain, depression, mood swings, gallstones, gout, hair loss, hearing loss, hypoglycemia, hypothyroidism, difficulty concentrating, chronic sinusitis, and insomnia. Living Foods has given me a new body and a new life. My life has changed dramatically over the past year. I left a marriage of 23 years and filed for divorce. I moved to beautiful Santa Cruz to heal my body. I have plans for a new career and do not plan to return to the Corporate World. I have written a Living Food Recipe book, which will be published in June 1998. Also, my dream is to have a retreat facility in a farm setting, and teach how people can heal their body and have radiant health.

All my new friends are Living Food Vegetarians, they provide me with love, encouragement and a friendship that is everlasting. My life is filled with love, joy and a happiness I have never experienced. My life is perfect!

I look forward to getting your book when it comes out.

Love Peace and Joy Rose
Lee Calabro

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