Bernarr Zovluck

Last Updated: 17 Apr 97
Created on Tue, 15 Apr 1997 15:40:23 PDT0

I am and have been a raw foodist vegan for over 45 years, primarily a fruitarian. Would be a total fruitarian except for limited time to eat enough high caloried fruits to satisfy me. So eat high caloried raw vegetables to satisfy me. Eat once daily, immediately before going to sleep. Born 5/11/29. 5'10", 210, muscular. Ex-wrestler and ex-boxer. Weightlift, run, meditate proprioceptively {the best meditational method, my own technique}, and nude sunbathe, daily. Sleep nude without covers or sheets. Try to stand every moment, while awake. Try to do everything while standing. Am considered the best laying on of hands healer in the world. Can help any one be better instantly...feel better, function better and look better, immediately!

When having sex, practice injaculation, i.e. orgasms without enervating ejaculations! No masturbation. Am retired chiropractor, natural hygiene practitioner and minister and expert of all religious denominations. Am a guru! Have successfully helped over 100,000 people. Have successfully supervised the water fasting of 1,000's of people. All therapies are contraindicated and do not work! Just close my eyes and completely trust and surrender to the God within. Every cell of our bodies has been going through this for billions of years of evolution. Each cell of our ancestors bodies has already learned to successfully cope with, optimumly adapt to and resolve all kinds of stresses, to which we have ever been subjected. If the God within can not heal our distresses, nothing and nobody else can. Nobody and nothing can heal us but ourselves.

The purpose of life is the pursuit of happiness. We accomplish such, by self-discovery and self-improvement, every moment of our lives. Every moment that we are caught up in the outside world pursuing socio-economic goals, etc., we are dying. We must spend every moment of our lives meditating, i.e., proprioceptively becoming aware of ourselves on a physical, emotional and spiritual level. We are all embryonic Gods and embryonic Christs!

Conduct an interdenominational phone prayer and counseling service and remote healing service, God Healing, Inc., telephone {310}451-4588. Will send anyone, anywhwere FREE information on health and metaphysics on any subject.

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