Timothy trader

Last Updated:16 Jun 1999
Created on Fri, 16 Jan 1998

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hi all !
as a introduction,i'm a 7 year live-foodist.studied under t.c.fry,and proud of it! i am also a national board certified naturalpathic physician,which dosn't mean a whole lot except that i've been looking a while.spent 2 years w/ dr. doug graham fasting people & feeding them a raw food diets ,in the florada keys.i now reside in south beach,miami, florada.& i'm so glad to see so much raw on the web, as well as so many live-foodists.... looking forward to meeting you all someday, hopfully, soon! please feel free..... to contact me. we are all family.
luv to you all..
doc t.
timothy trader n.m.d.,ph.d.
miami beach,
fl USA - Friday, January 16, 1998 at 19:40:13 (PST)

If you would like to write to Timothy trader, you may send e-mail oceanbluesky@webtv.net

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